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Nuova linea metropolitana M5, Milano. La Stazione “Tre Torri” nel progetto di riassetto urbano “City Life” nell’area ex Fiera

Citarei S. Colombo G. Foti M. Galvanini P. Socci A.
Articolo Immagine
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee N.107/2013

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€ 20.00

Nuova linea metropolitana M5, Milano. La Stazione “Tre Torri” nel progetto di riassetto urbano “City Life” nell’area ex Fiera 
Milan’s historic trade fair district, called “Fiera Campionaria,” is the setting for one of this period’s most important urban requalification projects: CityLife. The layout of the new buildings, designed by Zara Hadid, Arata Isozaki and Daniel Libeskind, includes a station of Line 5 of the Milan Underground still under construction. The station has been positioned at the centre of three skyscrapers that will be connected at the base by a building, partially underground, which will also include a subterranean square with commercial spaces, parking, and service installations. Among the problems to cope with during the station’s design were the need to maintain mutual structural independence between Line 5 and the CityLife buildings planned to be built at the same time, the integration and coordination of the Metro 5 and CityLife works, and the requirement of completing the underground in time for the EXPO 2015 celebrations. The article analyzes the setting and explains the design criteria and technological solutions successfully adopted by the contractor to overcome the aforementioned problems.