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L’analisi dei cedimenti nella progettazione di gallerie realizzate in terreni incoerenti

Antiga A. Chiorboli M. Ovena R.
Articolo Immagine
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee N.107/2013

Acquisto digitale


€ 20.00

L’analisi dei cedimenti nella progettazione di gallerie realizzate in terreni incoerenti 
Soft ground tunneling, in urban areas, are generally bored using pressurized TBM. Tunnel design involves the need to revalue the classical concepts of deformation response to the excavation, and the control priorities focalized on face and cavity, loose their importance: the evaluation of the settlements becomes the main aspect to consider. The definition and the control of the face pressure are fundamental design steps, but it is important to give a proper importance to the face pressure relating to settlements control. The pressure increase leads to higher safety factors of the face stability but it is not able to guarantee comparable settlements decrease. We will examine the essential parameters in relation to the use of the EPBS in three case histories: “Milan Metro line 1” extension to the new Fair, “Milan Passante” rail infrastructure and “Brescia subway”. The reference values of the cited parameters are identified for cohesionless soil i.e. fluvio-glacial sand deposit and gravel.