Productive Orientation and Identity in Rural Areas. A Reflection on the Regeneration Strategies of the Municipalities Belonging to the Authentic Villages Network
In many rural municipalities, the relationship linking territorial identity and productive orientations is very strong, so much so that the latter often constitute a characterising and distinctive element. Quite frequently, regenerative strategies tend to focus precisely on strengthening these productive orientations, regardless of their current economic vitality, trusting that their enhancement can help revitalise them, making them a driver of territorial development. Determining this strategic direction are also the attractive effects that can be seen, albeit not continuously, in terms of tourism. Starting from a critical reading of the local projects proposed by nine municipalities belonging to the Borghi Autentici d’Italia as part of Linea B - Progetti locali per la Rigenerazione Culturale e Sociale del Piano - of the investments of the PNRR Attrattività dei Borghi, the contribution proposes to discuss regenerative strategies that identify local productions as a possible driver of local development, reflecting on the need both to diversify these productions and to innovate their methods and practices, and to inscribe the projects in a systemic and holistic perspective capable of restoring attractiveness to the entire territorial context.
Keywords: rural areas, local production, regenerative strategies, hamlets, tourism.
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