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Il codice di scavo a fini idrogeologici

Tanzini Maurizio Gatti Martino
Articolo Immagine
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee n.106/2013

Per un utilizzo sempre più diffuso e convinto del sottosuolo, al fine di collocarvi infrastrutture e servizi, occorre che le problematiche idrogeologiche, quasi ovunque presenti e che costituiscono un aspetto particolarmente critico per l’approvazione delle opere da parte delle Comunità locali e degli Enti preposti, siano risolte con sicura efficacia. Il Codice di Scavo a fini idrogeologici costituisce a tale scopo un documento progettuale di fondamentale importanza per finalizzare i risultati degli studi idrogeologici, generalmente basati sulla previsione degli afflussi d’acqua in galleria, condotti preliminarmente alla progettazione dell’opera sotterranea e durante la sua costruzione, con particolare riferimento all’analisi del rischio idrogeologico e del relativo bilancio idrogeologico, alla progettazione dei sistemi di drenaggio/impermeabilizzazione e stabilizzazione dell’opera a breve e a lungo termine, nel pieno rispetto degli equilibri naturali preesistenti, come previsto dall’approccio progettuale ADECO-RS.

The excavation code for hydrogeological purposes.

For an increasing and convinced use of the subsoil, in order to place underground infrastructure sand services, it is necessary that the hydrogeological problems, almost every where present and which represent aparticularly critical aspect for having the works approved by the Communities and Local Entities, are resolved with proven efficiency.To this end, the Excavation Codefor Hydrogeological Purposes is a concep tpaper of fundamental importance to finalize the results of the hydrogeological studies, generally based on the prediction of waterin flows in tunnels, conducted before the design of the underground work and during its construction, with particular reference: to the analysis of the hydrogeological risk and the related hydrogeological balance, to the design of drainage/waterproofing and stabilization systems of the work in the short and long term, in the full respect ofthe existing natural equilibriums as required by the ADECO-RS approach.The article illustrates this fundamental paper,which after having described the route of the tunnel and the hydrogeological conditions,must be articulated according to the following key points: (1) exposure ofthe results of the hydrogeological risk related to the excavation, (2) prediction of the likely water inflows in the tunnel in the event that specific interventions of groundimprovement and waterproofing to reduce the drainage of the cavity are not made, (3)forecasting, based on the likely water in flow drained by the tunnel, the impacts on the surrounding environment by a real hydrogeological balance, (4) development, on the basis of the hydrogeological balance, of the criteria to be followed for the implementation of any waterproofing interventions inthe tunnel by means of cement or chemical injections or by the adoption of a closedTBM , (5) setting, on the basis of the above points, of excavation methods and section types of waterproofing and drainage, withreference also to the management of waterdrained during the excavation, the eventual treatment plant of the same water, control sand type of monitoring to set up and operate within and outside the tunnel. Each of these key points is analyzed and discussed while also providing useful information of practical implementation.