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Le iscrizioni a matrice religiosa dei vilici (II parte): la documentazione della penisola italica escluse Roma e Ostia

Rigato Daniela
Articolo Immagine
Rivista Storica dell’Antichità
Rivista Storica dell'Antichità N.XLVIII/2018

Acquisto digitale


€ 20.00

Religious inscriptions of the vilici (part II): the documentation of the Italian peninsula excluding Rome and Ostia.

The study analyzes the inscriptions of a religious nature placed by vilici in the Italian peninsula, excluding those pertinent to Rome and ancient Ostia. The documentation is distributed in a non-homogeneous way among the regiones Italiae, with a prevalence of epigraphs pertinent to vilici engaged in the state administration, both in the customs stations and in the marble basins of Etruria, which is accompanied by a fair number of these characters used in the administrative management of municipalities. Less frequent is the presence of vilici rustici, whose documentation comes in particular from the Sam-nium. Among the honored deities also stands out in this nucleus the presence of Silvano, to which are added religious figures able to coagulate groups of people pervaded by a profound loyalty to superiors and state institutions.

Keyword: vilici, vilicae, Roman religions, regiones Italiae, publicus portorii, marble basins of Luna.