Con l’intento di incrementare i collegamenti viari tra la parte asiatica e la parte europea di Istanbul e di alleviare i problemi di traffico, è nato l’Istanbul Strait Road Tube Crossing Project ovvero il progetto dell’attraversamento del Bosforo mediante una galleria sottomarina nota anche come Eurasia Tunnel. L’opera è stata inaugurata nel dicembre del 2016, con 8 mesi di anticipo rispetto al tempo previsto contrattualmente. L’importo complessivo dell’investimento è stato pari a circa 1,25 miliardi di dollari. Il tratto in sotterraneo è lungo circa 5,4 km di cui 3,3 km scavati con TBM di grande diametro (13,71 m). Per le elevate pressioni da contrastare al fronte (11 bar), l’eterogeneità dei terreni (formazione rocciosa denominata Trakia, sedimenti marini, massi erratici) e le condizioni, a tratti, di elevata permeabilità, l’intervento è da considerarsi senza precedenti e decisamente complesso. È stata utilizzata una TBM Mixshield Slurry che ha iniziato lo scavo ad aprile 2014 per concluderlo dopo 16 mesi il 22 agosto del 2015. La velocità di avanzamento è stata mediamente (inclusi i fermi) pari a circa 7 m/giorno con un massimo di 18 m/giorno. Le difficili condizioni in situ e le sollecitazioni a cui sono stati sottoposti i componenti della macchina, hanno comportato attività di manutenzione anche in condizioni iperbariche con pressioni tra gli 8 e i 10 bar. Per tali operazioni si è fatto ricorso a sommozzatori specializzati che per eliminare i tempi necessari alla decompressione, sono stati tenuti costantemente in ambiente iperbarico mediante navetta di trasporto ed apposita camera iperbarica posta all’esterno della galleria. La galleria è dotata di due giunti sismici in corrispondenza delle due aree di contatto tra sedimenti a diversa rigidezza. L’intervento è stato oggetto di diversi riconoscimenti per la sua unicità e difficoltà ed ha attratto l’interesse internazionale degli addetti del settore.
The roadway under Bosphorus – Eurasia Tunnel.
Following ideas to link Asian and European
part of Istanbul by undersea tunnel and
to reduce traffic problems, it has been developed
of the Istanbul Strait Road Tube
Crossing Project that allowed passage of
the Bosphorus through a submarine tunnel,
now known as Eurasia Tunnel (Avrasya
Tunneli in Turkish).
After the international tender, the Ministry
of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications
and AYGM entrusted ATAŞ design,
construction, financing, management
and finally transfer of the construction to
the State, using B.O.T. (Build Operate and
Transfer) model.
The construction works are executed by
YMSK Joint Venture, formed by the Turkish
Yapı Merkezi and South Korean SK E&C
(Companies that are also part of ATAŞ).
In January 2013 works on site started (after
a preparatory phase begun in 2011). The
Eurasia Tunnel was inaugurated on December
20th, 2016, with 8 months in advance
of scheduled time.
The total investment amounted is approximately
$ 1.25 billion.
Several international construction and engineering
company were involved, participating
in different stages of works.
Italferr together with Turkish Altnınok, in
May 2014, was awarded to supervise the
works as the Employer’s Representative
(wich is AYGM).
The project route (14.6 km) is an interintercontinental
road link under Bosphorus,
between the Kazliçeşme district in the European
side and Göztepe districts located
in the Asian area, .
The underground section is about 5.4 km
long, of which 3.34 km are excavated by
Considering the large excavation diameter
(13.71 m), the high pressures (11 bar), the
heterogeneity of the soil (Trakya formation,
marine sediments and erratic geology) and
condition of high permeability, intervention
is to be considered unprecedented and
definitely problematic.
Herrenknecht designed and built the TBM
Mixshield Slurry used for excavation, a very
versatile machine among the largest and with
performance capabilities among highest in
the world. Slurry technology has proven to
be particularly suitable for the task.
During the excavation it was possible to
replace hundreds of cutterhead elements,
mostly under atmospheric pressure.
The machine bored section is about 3.340
m in length. Excavation started in April 2014
and ended 16 months later, on August 22nd,
2015. The average advancement was ca 7
m/day with a maximum peak of 18 m/day.
The difficult excavation conditions and the
stresses to which the machine components
were exposed, including the presence of erratic
geology, required maintenance even
under hyperbaric conditions. This occurred
for 4 times (total time about 6 weeks) under
pressures between 8 and 10 bar.
For such operations, skilled divers have been
recruited. To eliminate time needed for decompression,
the divers were constantly in
the hyperbaric environment, working within
the machine and then, during the rest period,
transported by a pressurized shuttle
into a special hyperbaric chamber placed
outside the tunnel.
The tunnel lining has an outside diameter
of 13.2 m, an inside diameter of 12.0 m
and the rings are consisted of 9 segments
(8 + 1 key).
Istanbul is located in seismic zone of high
risk, near the tunnel track, about 17 km,
there is the North Anatolian Fault Zone.
In order to allow the tunnel to face seismic
events safely, it is equipped with two
seismic joints in two contact areas between
Trakya and marine sediments (due to different
behavior of those geological formations
under earthquake conditions).
Seismic joints are made by special designed
rings which, in the central part allowing
structural deformation under the action
caused by an earthquake.
The seismic joints displacement capacities
are ± 75 mm for extension/contraction and
± 51 mm shear offset.
The project, being particularly complex and
unique, attracted international interest and
recognition winning several awards.
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