Prefatory note - acknowledgements - some observations on Propertius 1.1 - AP 9,588 (Alcaeus of Messene) and man modo in Propertius 1,1,11 - the Milanion/Atalanta exemplum in Propertius 1,1: uidere feras (12) and Greek Models - two Unidentified Komoi of Propertius. I 3 and II 29 - propertius 1,4 and 1,5 and the ‘Gallus’ of the Monobiblos - some Problems in Propertius 1.6 - rhetoric and Genre: Propertius (1,11), Cynthia, and Baiae - Lesbia Mentoreo (Propertius 1,14,2) - propertius on Augustus’ Marriage Law (II 7) - Further Adventures of a Locked-out Lover: Propertius 2.17 - propertius 2.19.32 - propertius 2.23 and its Final Couplet (23-4) - propertius 2.29A - propertius, 2.30 A and B - propertius the Historian (3.3.1-12)? - propertius 3.4 and the Aeneid incipit - propertius 3,10 and Roman Birthdays - propertius and the Battle of Actium (4.6) - propertius 4.9: “Hercules Exclusus” and the Dimensions of Genre - allusions to hunc…meum esse aio in Propertius? - the Etymology of Militia in Roman Elegy - Ancient ‘Etymology’ and Tibullus: on the Classification of ‘Etymologies’ and on ‘Etymological Markers’ - tibullus, Messalla, and the Spica: 1.1.16, 1.5.28, 1.10.22, 67, 2.1.4, 2.5.84 - tibullus 1,8,35f. And a Conventional Ancient Gesture - tibullus 2.1.57-8: Problems of Text and Interpretation - tibullus 2.2 - tibullus 2.6.27-42: Nemesis’ Dead Sister - imitation and Originality in Ovid Amores 1.3 - Ovid Amores 1.15 and the problematic fruges of line 25 - Self-Imitation within a Generic Framework. Ovid, Amores 2.9 and 3.11 and the renuntiation amoris - the ‘Etymology’ in Ovid Heroides 20.21-32 - bibliography - index.