Design and Mycenaean furnishing items are different
realizations and interpretations of the same craft, whose similarities far
exceed chronological differences, starting with common features in designers’
and classicists’ work. Designers observe phenomena and convey the core part of
their message into a new form through a different material. Classicists use
these same mechanisms in working with words and texts by identifying the
morphophonological structures of a language and analysing them from a diachronic
perspective or translating them into another language. By looking at words as
evolving prototypes, Mycenaean to-no happens to be the prototype of thrones as
well as that of Chair_One – MAGIS. This has been the starting point of THRONOS as
a Historical Grammar of Furniture. The Pylos Ta tablets show us the earliest
reconstructable stages, not only of Greek furniture terminology but also of
Greek craftsmanship: prototypes, the items and the nouns used to define them.
The study of this material must take into account the vital connection between language
and tangible objects, between nouns’ and items’ evolution. On this basis
Pierini has designed THRONOS. Historical Grammar of Furniture in Mycenaean and
Beyond, an idea that co-editors Bernabé and Ercoles have helped to convey into
a collective volume.
Pierini Rachele
Ha conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca (Ph.D.) in Filologia Greca con la tesi Ricerche sulla desinenza del genitivo singolare tematico in Lineare B. Attualmente è assegnista di ricerca presso l’Università di Bologna e si occupa in particolare di miceneo, grammatica storica e diacronia del lessico.
Bernabé Alberto
Is Emeritus Professor of Greek Literature at the Complutense, University of Madrid. His main interests involve Archaic Greek epic poetry, Orphism, and Linear B texts. His publications include Poetae epici Graeci, testimonia et fragmenta Pars I (Leipzig 1987) and Introducción al griego micénico (Zaragoza 2006, 2020).
Ercoles Marco
Is Associate Professor of Greek Literature at the University of Bologna. His main interests involve Archaic and Classical Greek melic poetry, ancient Greek metric and music, and ancient exegesis on Aeschylus. His publications include Stesicoro. Le testimonianze antiche (Bologna 2013) and Melanippidis Melii testimonia et fragmenta (Pisa-Roma 2021).