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The TBM bore of the Hsuehshan motorway tunnel in Taiwan – An unprecedented failure of the full-face mechanical excavation

Pelizza Sebastiano
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Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee N. 145/2023

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€ 20.00

La costruzione del tunnel autostradale Hsuehshan in Taiwan - Un fallimento senza precedenti dello scavo meccanizzato a piena sezione

La galleria autostradale Hsuehshan consiste di due canne, più un cunicolo pilota, ed è la più importante opera del collegamento stradale tra Ilan sul Pacifico e la capitale Taipei. La galleria è lunga 12.942 m e corre sotto una copertura di 500-700 m. Lo scavo era previsto con TBM scudata da roccia di 4,8 m di diametro per il cunicolo e di 11,47 m per le due stradali. Purtroppo, il tratto Est dell’opera (circa 3.3 km) attraversa una formazione di quarzite pura, molto abrasiva e resistente, che è risultata essere un ostacolo pressoché insuperabile per le tre TBM. Probabilmente questa quarzite non era stata presa in considerazione nella fase di progetto del tunnel e delle TBM. Nel presente articolo vengono analizzate le ragioni dei numerosi e gravi problemi che interessarono lo scavo meccanizzato e i vari tentativi per superarli, sino alla rinuncia delle macchine, con un passaggio all’adozione dello scavo convenzionale.

Parole chiave: TBM scudata da roccia, scavo di cunicolo pilota, scavo di galleria autostradale, quarzite dura ed abrasiva, fallimento dello scavo meccanizzato.

The Hsuehshan Highway Tunnel is a 12,942m-long twin-tube, plus a pilot tunnel. It is the first eastern part of the National A5 Freeway, connecting ILAN on the Pacific Ocean to the capital Taipei. For that time, the road project was very advanced since it took detailed care of the workers’ safety and of the traffic. In detail, wide interspacing between the tubes, several pedestrian and vehicular by-passes, three ventilation shafts and four ventilation plants. The excavation was planned with three shielded Rock TBMs with a diameter of 4.80 m and 11.47 m (the pilot bore and the road tubes). Unfortunately, the first East section, approximately 3.3 km long, had to cross a hard and abrasive quartzite which severely hampered the work of the TBMs that resulted in a huge debacle. Probably, this quartzite was not taken in consideration during the design of the tunnel and of the TBMs. In the present paper, the reason for the several problems of excavation and the modalities of the drastic measures that had to be taken, up to the abandoning the mechanized excavation to switch to the conventional methods, will be critically analysed. The Author’s expert opinion is not conditioned by any secretness constraint, and this paper synthetically describes the various problems which, are considered of interest, including the overall technical balance of the tunnel excavations and then discuss the several reasons for such unprecedented unsuccessful application of full-face excavation.

Keywords: shielded Rock TBM, excavation of a pilot tunnel, excavation of a motorway tunnel, very hard and abrasive quartzite, failure of the TBM excavation.