While literary sources provide very little information on Furia Sabinia Tranquillina, wife of emperor Gordian III and daughter of the praetorian prefect Furius Sabinius Aquila Timesitheus, epigraphic dedications by imperial officials, local communities, and military units often mention her. This discrepancy can be explained by the exaggerated importance that most ancient authors attached to Timesitheus’s role as tutor of the young emperor, leaving in the shadow the efforts made by Gordian III’s administration to advertise the marriage and, thus, the presence of Tranquillina at the emperor’s side. Given the uncertain political and military situation, continuing the dynasty of the Gordians communicated that the regime would guarantee peace and stability in the years to come.
Keywords: Furia Sabinia Tranquillina, Furius Sabinius Aquila Timesitheus, Gordian III, Augustae, Dedications pro salute, Honorary statues.
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