Frane e terremoti (per quanto attiene ai danni indotti dalla liquefazione dei terreni) sono senza dubbio tra i maggiori fattori causali di dissesto geologico sia per frequenza che per pericolosità. Per entrambi i fenomeni, oltre ai fattori geotecnici e geologici predisponenti, l’elemento scatenante è riconducibile alla presenza nei terreni di un eccesso di acqua che determina per i movimenti franosi lo scivolamento reciproco di strati di terreno, nel caso della liquefazione l’annullamento della resistenza al taglio del terreno a causa delle sovra pressioni che si generano nell’acqua presente nei pori. Nel primo caso (frane), la realizzazione di un efficace sistema di drenaggio preventivo è di primaria importanza per la riduzione del rischio; per la liquefazione, invece, la formazione di un reticolo drenante nel terreno in grado di smaltire le sovra pressioni è una delle tecnologie applicabili e, nel caso di interventi al di sotto di strutture esistenti, quella meno impattante e meno costosa.
Liquefaction risk mitigation and stabilization of landslide
slopes with draining systems realized by means of
directional drillings
Landslides and earthquakes (as far as
damages provoked by soil liquefaction are
concerned) surely are some major causes
for geological instabilities both in terms of
frequency and hazard.
For both phenomena, besides the geotechnical
and geological predisposing factors,
the triggering element is ascribable
to the presence of excessive water in the
soil which determines, in case of landslide
movements, the mutual sliding of soil layers
and, in case of liquefaction, the annulation
of soil shear strength due to the
overpressures generating in pore water. In
the first case (landslides), the creation of
an effective system for preventive drainage
is of major importance for risk reduction;
as for liquefaction, the creation of a draining
grid in the soil capable of dissipating
overpressures is one of the applicable
technologies which, in case of operational
procedures below existing structures, have
less impact and are less expensive.
Over the last years, companies and designers
have been devising technologies
and operational procedures capable of
complying with different needs, among
which: interventions in areas characterized
by reduced spaces, compliance with more
restrictive regulations concerning safety,
construction of more efficient and longlasting
plants, minimization of the impact
of works interfering with ongoing activities.
In many cases said interventions are made
possible by the use of Directional Drilling,
i.e. rectilinear or curvilinear, sub-horizontal,
high accuracy, directional drillings having
a remarkable length.
In case of landslides, systems made up of
medium and large-diameter base shafts
(non-draining) are depicted. Said systems
are capable of capturing water from the
soil (both via horizontal drains starting
from the walls of the shaft itself, and via
grids of vertical draining shafts connected
to the base shafts by means of bottom
ducts) and conveying it to other shafts of
the same type and, finally, to a “delivery”
point by means of sub-horizontal main
ducts that may reach lengths of several
hundred meters.
In case of liquefaction below existing
structures, an innovative method is described,
which allows to obtain a draining
grid thanks to horizontal tubular elements
(properly dimensioned in terms of diameter
and distances) installed in the liquefiable
layers within cross-by, sub-horizontal,
curvilinear drillings executed from outside
the building. In a “normal” situation, i.e
with no earthquake occurring, drains are
passive and they do not affect water tables.
In case of earthquake, interstitial overpressures
generated by seismic waves in the liquefiable
layers are dissipated through the
sub-horizontal drains and then discharged
into suitable arranged relief devices.
The Main issue is to avoid drains foulings so
as to maintain drainage capacity undiminished
throwh the years. To this purpose it
is not possible to use traditional pvc slotted
pipes. Together with a leading world drain
producer, Trevi has tested and finalized for
this application special porous polyethylene
well screens with a homogeneous
pore structure capable of avoiding fouling.
All the procedure is entirely carried out in
external areas so working and residential
activities performed inside said structures
are not impaired. This is a quite flexible solution
that fits different geometries. In the
presence of pre-fab industrial buildings it is
also possible to execute interventions only
in the footprint area of pillars’ alignment,
thus remarkably reducing time, quantities
and costs.
For the above-mentioned applications,
this paper illustrates the technology, relevant
issues, geometries and execution
schemes of already performed activities,
as well as of those currently being performed
and studied.
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