Migration and cineMa: the invisible travel and the stereotype of representation
This work aims at analysing French cinema about migrations and the controversial relationship with Otherness. Since thefirst migratory flows in France, cinema has focused on the contradictions of colonization and decolonization, as well ason migrants’ definitive settling. What is more, cinema has also portrayed the deep tensions between the so-called “issues del’immigration” and the “français de souche”, often linked to the physical and symbolic re-appropriation of urban spacesand the related claims of cultural identities.After a short introduction of narratives and stereotypes of migrations in the European cinema, the paper focuses on therepresentations of the relations between France and migrants as portrayed in some selected movies, by following the evolutionof their aesthetic features and socio-cultural values.
Keywords: France, Cinema, Decolonisation, Migrants, Stereotypes
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