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Produzione record con una TBM-EPB. Seconda linea della Metropolitana di Varsavia

Concio F. Barbanti Marco Gasbarra M. Grosso Tommaso Atzori D. Bonfanti O.
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Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee N.105/2013

Acquisto digitale


€ 20.00

La costruzione della linea 2 della metropolitana di Varsavia costituisce il più grande progetto di infrastrutture attualmente in corso in Polonia e si colloca ai primi posti nell’ambito del panorama europeo: un’importante e interessante sfida da più punti di vista, come vedremo, in cui il nostro Paese gioca un ruolo di primo piano. Il Consorzio che sta realizzando l’opera, infatti, è formato da un gruppo Italiano-Turco-Polacco, che ne ha curato la progettazione definitiva ed esecutiva, ed ora ha in corso la costruzione di 6 km di gallerie a doppia canna di 5,40 m di diametro interno, 7 stazioni e 6 pozzi di ventilazione da realizzarsi in 48 mesi.

Record production in use of TBM-EPB machine on second underground line in Warsaw Currently, the project of the second line of Warsaw underground constitutes the largest infrastructural project in Poland and one of the most important in the European perspective. In fact, it is considered one of the largest and most interesting challenges from the point of view of the time of its implementation, intended works, position, as well as geologic and geotechnical conditions. The consortium which is implementing the project consists of an Italian-Turkish-Polish group, which developed the final project plan as well as the executive and construction plans of more than 6 km of two-channel tunnels with 5,40 m internal diameter, 7 stations, 6 ventilation shafts, and all must be completed within 48 months. Below we present the criterion for the selection of the most effective method of tunnel boring: the Tunnel Boring Machine (EPB type), taking into account various factors, such as, for instance, geologic and geotechnical conditions, available space, previous experience, and so on. In addition, this publication will present characteristic features of the machine, primarily taking into account a number of distinctive aspects which are sometimes overlooked or even forgotten, such as daily consumption of energy, even issues related with the environment, too. Moreover, it will be considered how this detailed and accurate study, even though in the greatest details going beyond the framework of general planning, despite of being flexible from the functional point of view in comparison with the tunnel boring development program, has surely reduced the delays in excavations which were not affected neither by events nor contingencies caused by the Contractor itself. Finally, attention will be drawn to the purchase of 4 shields, necessary to speed up the work, with enhanced, excellent performance and record productions in very difficult field conditions.