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Palificate soggette a carichi trasversali. Progettazione con le NTC 2008

Froldi Piergiuseppe
Articolo Immagine
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee N.101/2012

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€ 20.00

The advent of the 2008 Technical Standards for Construction (2008 TSC) based on the EuroCodes (EC) represents an important step forward for structural design in Italy. Chapter six of the standards sets out the standards (S) and procedures for the design, construction and monitoring for the principal works in contact with the ground. However some geotechnical works with particular characteristics which do not fall within the classic types of works are not dealt with in sufficient detail with regard to testing methods. More specifically, confinement structures, that are not tied, buried in the ground at the foot of unstable slopes and/or embankments do not fall within the classes of works examined in detail by the TSC and the EC. These works can be likened to confinement pilings subject to transverse loads and therefore they are halfway between support works and foundation pilings. The purpose of this paper is to outline the most important features of these works and to describe the main design criteria employed within the framework of the principles of the standards. The description illustrates both the most well-known methods for calculating the stresses involved and the tests that the standards require for the geotechnical and structural design of load bearing members.