The municipal elites of the Roman Empire deeply assimilated the code of civic values
and forms of social conduct of the aristocracies of Rome, such as the philotimia or
desire to be publicly honored. While numerous honorific inscriptions erected in the
public spaces of the cities document this pursuit, the phenomenon is scantily reflected
in literary sources. An exception to this absence is the speech delivered by Apuleius of
Madaura, writer and philosopher of the 2nd century AD, to show gratitude for the official
honors conferred to him by the ordo decurionum of Carthago, included in Apuleius’ work
Florida. This article compares this oratorical piece with the epigraphic information in
order to reconstruct the official process of concession of public honors by local senates
and explore what such distinctions, conferred to the famous intellectual in the African
metropolis and in other communities, could have meant in his life.
Keywords: Roman Empire, Apuleius of Madaura, municipal aristocracies, local senates,
official honors, public statues.
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