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The Bioengineering of Sport
ISBN/EAN: 9788855536073
Pubblicazione: 2023
Pagine: 364
Formato: 17 x 24
Materia: Bioingegneria
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The Bioengineering of Sport

The impact of technology on sports is rapidly increasing, fostered by technological progress and digitalization. This school aims at offering students an overview of latest trends and operative tools to assess and enhance athlete performance, to prevent or to recover from injury, and to support coaching staff through bioengineering approaches. The activities of the school include lectures by recognized experts and hands-on computational projects on how to build an “athlete digital passport”. This integrates metrics for monitoring the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic system of the athlete, as well as in-field sport data analytics, to improve sport training, to perfect athletic movement and sport gestures, and to reduce the risk of injuries.

L’impatto della tecnologia sullo sport è in rapido aumento, favorito dal progresso tecnologico e dalla digitalizzazione. Questa scuola si propone di offrire agli studenti una panoramica delle ultime tendenze e degli strumenti operativi per valutare e migliorare le prestazioni degli atleti, per prevenire o recuperare da infortuni e per supportare il personale tecnico attraverso approcci di bioingegneria. Le attività della scuola includono lezioni tenute da esperti riconosciuti e progetti computazionali pratici su come costruire un “passaporto digitale per atleti”. Questo integra metriche per il monitoraggio del sistema muscoloscheletrico, cardiovascolare, respiratorio e metabolico dell’atleta, nonché analisi dei dati sportivi sul campo, per migliorare l’allenamento sportivo, perfezionare il movimento atletico e i gesti sportivi e ridurre il rischio di infortuni.


Burattini Laura

Laura Burattini is currently Full Professor of Bioengineering and President of the Unified Council of the Biomedical Engineering Degree at the Department of Information Engineering of the Università Politecnica delle Marche, where she is also responsible of the “Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab” and “Bioengineering Lab”. She joins several scientific associations and is member of the Board of Directors of the Italian National Group of Bioengineering (GNB) and of the International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology (ISCE). She is currently associate Editor of “Frontiers in Network Physiology” and Editorial Board of “Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology”. Her main research interests are processing, modelling and classification of biomedical signals and images, particularly of the cardiac, nervous, motor, and metabolic physiological systems. She is author more than 100 journal papers and 150 proceedings of conferences.

Camomilla Valentina

Valentina Camomilla holds a Ph.D. in Bioengineering (2004) and is currently Associate Professor of Biongineering at the University of Rome Foro Italico. Her research focuses on qualitative and quantitative technique and performance analysis in sports; increasing the resolution of human movement analysis; and developing anatomical calibration approaches. She served as Director of Interuniversity Centre of Bioengineering of the Human Neuromusculoskeletal System (2016-2019) and in the board of directors of the 3-D Analysis of Human Movement Technical Group of the International Society of Biomechanics (2018-2021). Associate Editor for Journal of Biomechanics (2022-), Frontiers in Sports and Active Living (2019- ), Sports Biomechanics (2019-) and Biomechanics (2021-); she co-authored 65 peer-reviewed articles, 100+ conference proceedings, and co-supervised 4 post-docs, 12 PhD candidates, and 70 M.Sc. student theses.

Knaflitz Marco

Marco Knaflitz received the Italian Laurea in Electrical Engineering and the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Politecnico di Torino. Since 1990 he has been with the Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni of Politecnico di Torino, where he is presently Full Professor of Biomedical Engineering and he teaches Biomedical Instrumentation, Implantable Active Devices, and Design of Programmable Medical Devices. From 1986 to 1990 he was with the Neuromuscular Research Center of Boston University, (Boston, MA, USA), as Research Assistant Professor. From 1995 to 2000 he was appointed Adjunct Professor at the Union Institute of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH, USA). Since 1985 he has been active in the fields of design of biomedical instrumentation, biomedical signal analysis, safe use of medical devices, and development of instrumentation and algorithms for the non-invasive analysis of the neuromuscular system. Since October 2012 to October 2018 he was the Head (Pro Tempore) of the College of Biomedical Engineering of Politecnico di Torino. Moreover, since November 2020 he has been appointed as Member of the Ethics Committee of Politecnico di Torino. He published over 130 contributions as scientific papers, book chapters, or proceedings subjected to peer review.

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