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Atti del Convegno di Archeometria. Proceedings of the Meeting Science for Contemporary Art

Ferrara, Castello Estense, 1-4 Marzo 2011. SOLO IN CD-ROM
Petrucci Ferruccio (curatore)
Atti del Convegno di Archeometria. Proceedings of the Meeting Science for Contemporary Art
ISBN/EAN: 9788855531597
Pubblicazione: 2012
Pagine: 0
Formato: 12 x 18,5
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Atti del Convegno di Archeometria. Proceedings of the Meeting Science for Contemporary Art



Preface F. Petrucci - Introductory Lectures: The Remo Brindisi House Museum/Il Museo Alternativo di Remo Brindisi L. Ruffoni - Image diagnostics on some paintings of the Remo Brindisi collection F. Albertin, L. Boselli, E. Peccenini, V. Pellicori, F. Petrucci, F. Tisato - Keynote lecture: Plastics in modern and contemporary art: new materials, new approaches T. van Oosten - Scientific Papers: Radiocarbon dating for contemporary art L. Caforio, M. E. Fedi, F. Petrucci (Session 3: Materials and artistic techniques) - Nanotechnology for the conservation of contemporary art A. Colombo, R. Simonutti, C. Beccaria, V. Mombrini (Session 4: Monitoring, maintenance and restoration) - Spettroscopia ottica non-invasiva per l’analisi di materiali plastici nell’arte contemporanea: il caso del polistirolo nell’opera “Cartoline” di Stefano Arienti. M. Bacci, L. Bigazzi, C. Cucci, M. Picollo (Session 2: Archaeometry of new art forms) - Aquazol 500. A possible "eco-compatible“ alternative to animal glue fillers for restoration of polychrome painted objects. Stability tests – Part 2 R. Calore, L. Frizza, M. Jaxa-Chamiec, L. Rizzonelli, N. Stevanato, F. Tisato (Session 4: Monitoring, maintenance and restoration) - Monitoring the degradation of plastic artifacts by dielectric spectroscopy R. Olmi, C. Cucci, S. Pieri, S. Priori (Session 4: Monitoring, maintenance and restoration) - Image spectroscopy for conservation and diagnostics of contemporary painting materials F. Albertin, L. Boselli, E. Peccenini, V. Pellicori, F. Petrucci, F. Tisato (Session 4: Monitoring, maintenance and restoration) - Ageing studies of modern paint materials by PY-GC/MS doubleshot technique V. Pintus, S. Wei, M. Schreiner (Session 4: Monitoring, maintenance and restoration) - A contribution to the identification of phthalocyanine pigments by non invasive analyses, with some note on hansa yellows S. Caglio, G. Poldi, S. Bruni (Poster Session 3: Materials and artistic techniques) - Caratterizzazione spettroscopica dei pastelli di Giorgio Kienerk S. Bracci, M. Picollo, A. Salvini, M. Sassoli, M. Vervat (Session 3: Materials and artistic techniques) - Polymers used as art materials as a source of volatile and semi volatile organic compounds (VOCS/SVOCS) in the environment of cultural institutions P. Schossler, T. Salthammer, M. Bahadir (Session 3: Materials and artistic techniques) - The palette of Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro (1857-1929): characterization of oil paint colors from his tubes A. M. Silva, D. Sanches, C. Montagner, M. Vilarigues, M. João Melo, M. Picollo (Session 3: Materials and artistic techniques) The Semilunette in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan: an open study I. Marelli, M. Fratelli, C. Salsi, A. Tibiletti, M. Carozzi, V. Fossati, M. Fuggini, D. Morosi, A. Splendore, D. Fazzari, A. Traversi, G. Albanese, A. Leo, P. Cremonesi, A. Finozzi, D. Riggiardi, E. Signorini, A. Tumminello, S. Volpin,, M. R. Massafra, M. Romanò, M. Bacci, M. Picollo, F. Petrucci, F. Tisato (Session 4: Monitoring, maintenance and restoration) - Case Reports: Pixe measurement on a painting by Pier Paolo Pasolini L. Caforio, M. E. Fedi , A. Migliori , D. Kunzelman (Poster Session 3: Materials and artistic techniques) - Non-invasive investigations of Filippo Franzoni’s easel paintings G. Cavallo, F. Piquè, R. Carazzetti, E. Cattori (Session 2: Archaeometry of new art forms) - I materiali dell’architettura del Novecento. Studi e tecniche per la conservazione. R. Fabbri, K. Ambrogio, V. Balboni, G. Battistini, L. Bissi, A. Conforti, L. Rocchi (Poster Session 1: Diagnostics and conservation of contemporary architecture) - Contemporary persian Haft rangi tiles from technical view P. Holakooei, M. Mishmastnehi, C. Vaccaro, F. C. Petrucci (Poster Session 1: Diagnostics and conservation of contemporary architecture) - The murals of Calvi dell’Umbria, a painted town in central Italy. Analysis of the painting materials and preservation problems P. Baraldi, E. Della Monica, C. Pelosi (Session 2: Archaeometry of new art forms) - Fiemme Valley`s graffiti: artistic expression in a pastoral landscape L. Toniutti, M. Bazzanella, F. Deflorian, A. Miotello, L. Pisoni (Poster Session 2: Archaeometry of new art forms) - Technical investigation on persian Haft rangi tiles in Safavid era P. Holakooei, F. C. Petrucci, R. Tassinari, M. Verde, C. Vaccaro (Poster Session 5: Architectural materials) - Analysis of the materials and authentication of a polychrome wood mask from Papua New Guinea P. Baraldi, A. Lo Monaco, F. Ortenzi, C. Pelosi, F. Quarato, L. Rossi (Poster Session 7: Other archaeometric activities) - Le anfore puniche di Entella (Sicilia centro-occidentale): analisi archeometriche finalizzate alla determinazione di provenienza G. Montana, A. M. Polito, M. Quartararo (Poster Session 6: Archeology) - Caratterizzazione microstrutturale di serie monetali appartenenti al Tesoretto di Alberone (sec. XV-XVI) C. Soffritti, S. Pepi, G. L. Garagnani, C. Vaccaro, M. T. Gulinelli (Poster Session 7: Other archaeometric activities) - Analisi archeometriche su un pavimento maiolicato del XV secolo (Ospedale dei trovatelli, Messina) G. Montana, L. Randazzo, M. F. La Russa (Poster Session 5: Architectural materials) - Identification of an unknown commercial black pigment in standard fresco using chemometry and instrumental chemical methods L. Campanella, T. Gatta, V. Mambro, M. Tomassetti, G. Visco (Poster Session 3: Materials and artistic techniques) - Study of conservative conditions of “great graffito” made by Rosario Murabito in Villa Ottolenghi (Acqui Terme, Alessandria - Italy) S. Bruni, M. R. Bovolenta, V. Finoli, M. Leis, C. Vaccaro, L. Volpe (Poster Session 3: Materials and artistic techniques).

Petrucci Ferruccio

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