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Geotechnical Aspects of EC8. XIV European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Madrid 2007. SOLO IN CD-ROM

Maugeri Michele
Geotechnical Aspects of EC8. XIV European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Madrid 2007. SOLO IN CD-ROM
ISBN/EAN: 9788855529433
Pubblicazione: 2007
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Geotechnical Aspects of EC8. XIV European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Madrid 2007. SOLO IN CD-ROM


Seismic Action - Dynamic shear stiffness and damping measurements for seismic response analyses at Senigallia, Italy - Local seismic response prediction and design building code provisions: the case study of Senigallia, Italy - Comparison of Real Vs. Artificial Accelerograms in 1D Linear-Equivalent and Nonlinear Site Response Analysis of Soil Deposits - Displacement response spectra for different soil conditions - Critical analysis of key geo-seismic aspects recommended in buildings codes to define design spectra - Slope Stability - Simplified relationships for estimating seismic slope displacement - Equivalent loading for the seismic analysis of sliding structures - Topographic amplification factors associated to cliff morphology: numerical results from two case studies in Southern Italy and comparison with EC8 recommendations - Liquefaction - Stress Reduction Factors in Simplified Liquefaction Susceptibility Analysis - Application of EC8 in practice: assessment of soil type and liquefaction risk - Consequences of liquefaction- Terreiro do Paco Lisbon Metro’s blue line - Foundations - 3-D finite element modeling of shaking table test for DSSI analysis - Kinematic analysis of piles in layered soils - Numerical analysis for the dynamic response of a single pile - Strain Transfer as Fundamental Concept for Seismic Design of Pile Foundations - Seismic behaviour of shallow foundations: large scale experiments vs. numerical modeling - Retaining Structures - Influence of damping and soil model on the computed seismic response of flexible retaining - Displacement-based seismic analysis of rigid retaining walls - Dynamic modelling of earth retaining structures - On the seismic design of diaphragm walls according to EC8-5 - Some aspects of seismic design methods for flexible earth retaining structures - New Items - Methods for the seismic analysis of transverse section of circular tunnels in soft soils - Seismic response analysis of a geosynthetic reinforced embankment.

Maugeri Michele

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