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IACMAG - Prediction, analysis and design in geomechanical applications (a cura di G. Barla, M. Barla)

IACMAG - Prediction, analysis and design in geomechanical applications (a cura di G. Barla, M. Barla)
ISBN/EAN: 9788855528122
Pubblicazione: 2006
Pagine: 2936
Formato: 17 x 24
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IACMAG - Prediction, analysis and design in geomechanical applications (a cura di G. Barla, M. Barla)

These four volumes contain the papers and special lectures of the 11th International Conference of IACMAG (International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics), held in Torino, Italy, 19-24 June 2005. The theme of conference is “Prediction, analysis and design in geomechanical applications“. There is no doubt that a particular stage has been reached in the development of computer methods, when it has become imperative to show and emphasize the role of these methods in the solution of practical problems. This calls for a rational approach through integration of theory, experiments and validation procedures against well documented cases in the different sectors of Geomechanics. The entire set of volumes is of direct interest to geotechnical researchers and practicioners since it covers a wide range of topics from fundamentals to engineering applications. The main themes are: Numerical and analytical methods, Constitutive modelling: geomaterials, joints and major discontinuities, interfaces, Neural networks, expert systems, reliability, risk analysis, Seepage, transport and consolidation, subsidence, Laboratory and field testing, Flow in porous and fractured media, Ground improvement, reinforcement, geosynthetics, Surface and near surface geotechnical structures: foundations, piles, dams, Surface and near surface geotechnical structures: excavations, pipes and tunnels, Deep geotechnical structures: tunnels, caverns, mines, Geo-environmental engineering, Nuclear waste storage engineering, Geo-hazards: earthquakes, liquefaction and seismic design, Case histories and design analysis, Natural slopes, including deep seated gravitational movements, rock avalanches, rock falls, flows and glacier mechanics, Soil and rock structure interaction.


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